Monday, January 17, 2011

Beethoven and Built to Spill

This piece defined the genre for me when I first began listening to classical. My 16 year old self found it lively and vivid, and my 22 year old self rediscovered it in the same condition. 6 years and it hasn't lost its luster.

It's weird to listen to songs I first heard so long ago, and finding new sources of interest while again appreciating parts that I liked before. When I go back to an old rock song, I find myself connecting with, or at least trying to interpret, more lyrics than I used to. I've also learned to understand the instruments a lot better. This is a perfect example:

I just began listening to this song again because someone mentioned a lyric, "No one cares what you dreamt about, unless you dreamt about them." I had heard it a ton of times, but had never really interpreted too deeply. At this point, I have not been able to figure out how I feel about it. Guess that's part of what I find interesting. I hadn't even realized it was present until he mentioned it, because it's lost among spacy 6-8 minute narratives.

Anyway, I was brought back to this song randomly, and have appreciated it a lot more than I used to. I think that has been my experience with classical as a whole, but this Beethoven piece really reminds me of my early dabbles with classical, and how I immediately knew that I was going to enjoy exploring the genre.

Oh, and the reason I picked that video for the performance is because of the conductor. The sound quality is pretty good, but that guy is FEELING IT. I guess you have to be if you're going to try to shape the music of a madman, but he is fully immersed in it. I respect that he conveys the energy of the piece in a way most other conductors don't dare. The full-body motions are greatly appreciated.

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